•судебное производство, судопроиз- TERMS AND EXPRESSIONS an Indictment
the prosecuting attorney [At., Alt.,
Atty) the alleged criminal
arrest procedure to file an і
to issue a warrant for the arrest to be confined in the penitentiary
to post bond to waive a bail bond
to release from custody a preliminary hearing law enforcement
to hold я person without formal charge
to be entitled to an attorney arraignment a suit restitution complaint
legal allegations
to plead guilty or not guilty to Ihe charge
the notification of the defendant 118
водство обвинение в совершении преступления.
уголовное обвинение обвинительный акт обвинитель, атторней обвинения
предполагаемое уголовное деяние, действие процедура ареста, арест •
подать за явление об обвинении •
выдать ордер на арест
быть заключенным/заключенный в тюрьку, в исправительное учреждение внести залог отказываться
поручительство за явку ответной стороны в суд освобождать из-под стражи
предварительное слушание правовое принуждение, правоприменение
удерживать/задерживать человека без официального обвинения иметь право на адвоката предъявление обвинения спор, иск, судебное дело возвращение, восстановление жалоба, официальное обвинение, претензия, рекламация утверждения, основанные на праве, правовые утверяедения/заявлеиия і признавать себя виновным или неви-;' новным в предъявленном обвинении уведомление ответчика plea
the answer the pleadings
discovery depositions estoppel interrogatories
discovery of documents and other
materials to supervise
to settle any disputes a medieval inquisition to overwhelm a pretriat conference to be mandatory to dismiss the case to welcome plea bargains
a default judgement a summary judg[e)ment
preponderance of the evidence a directed verdict
a judgfelraent notwithstanding the
verdict voluntary compliance the winning party garnishment
to withhold
заявление, сделанное ответчиком или защитой
встречные претензии/требования
(встречный иск) ответ, возражение
состязательные бумаги (которыми стороны обмениваются на предварительной стадии судебного разбирательства открытие, раскрытие, представление
сведений, документов письменные показания под присягой;
снятие показаний под присягой лишение права возражения, лишение
права; ссылаться на факты письменный опрос сторон или свидетелей
представление документов и других
материалов наблюдать, осуществлять надзор за чем- либо
урегулировать/решить любые споры средневековая инквизиция превзойти, подавлять, сокрушать досудебное совещание быть обязательным [к исполнению) прекратить дело
приветствовать/одобрять переговоры о заключении сделки о признании вины
судебное решение в пользу истца вследствие неявки ответчика решение, вынесенное в порядке упрощенного (суммарного] судопроизводства спор, оспаривать
наличие более веских доказательств, перевес доказательств вердикт, перед вынесением которого присяжные получили от судьи напутствие решение вопреки вердикту присяжных
добровольное выполнение, исполнение выигравшая сторона наложение ареста на имущество должника
удерживать во владении; отказывать в чем-либо; приостанавливать
H Переведите устно (рекомендуется для перевода с листа без подготовки):
CRIMINAL CASES Bringing the Charge
Criminal charges are instituted against an individual in one of two ways: 1}
Through an indictment, or true bill, voted by a grand jury, or 2} Through the
filing of an information in court by the prosecuting attorney! (sometimes called the county, district or state's attorney), alleging the commissic of a crime.
In either case, the charge must set forth the time, date and place of the alleged74 criminal act as well as the nature of the charge.
In most cases, crimes of a serious nature, such as murder or treason, may charged by indictment only. In some states, the prosecutor has the option in a case to proceed by way of indictment or information.
Arrest Procedure
When an indictment is returned by a grand jury, or an information is filed by the-| prosecuting attorney, the clerk of the court issues a warrant for the arrest of the'J person charged, if he has not already been arrested and taken into custody.
The law usually requires in a felony case (generally, a crime for which a person] may be confined in the penitentiary) that the defendant must promptly be brought! before a magistrate of justice of the peace (in federal cases, the U.S. Commissioned) and be permitted to post bond, in order to secure release from custody, and either! request or waive a preliminary hearing. When the grand jury indicts, there is no| preliminary hearing. In most states, however, persons charged with murder are not] eligible for release on a ball bond.
Many jurisdictions permit law enforcement officials to hold a person without; formal charge up to 24 hours for the рифове of investigation. But he may not bei held for an unreasonable time unless a criminal charge is filed. In addition, the defendant formally charged with a crime is entitled to an attorney)Atty) at all times, j If he is unable to procure an attorney and if he requests counsel, the court will1] appoint an attorney to represent him, at public expense and without cost to him.
In most instances, a criminal case is placed on the court's calendar for arraignment.;; On the date fixed, the accused appears, the indictment or information is red to him, \ his rights are explained by the judge, and he is asked whether he pleads guilty or. not guilty to the charge. If he pleads not guilty, his case will be set later for trial; if he pleads guilty, ms. case ordinarily will be set later for sentencing. In case of minor offenses, sentences 120 may be imposed immediately. But in some states, arraignment and plea are separate proceedings, held on different days.
Q Найдите в тексте "A Summary of Court Procedures"
приведенные в упражнении слова и выражения и переведите их;
A typical set of procedures, the court action begins with the filing by the plaintiff of a complaint, legal allegations, notification of the defendant, counterclaims, the pleadings, pretrial procedures, discovery, depositions, interrogatories, the judge does not supervise discovery directly, efforts by parties to wear down their opponents, abusive questioning of witnesses, attempts "to overwhelm the opposition, pretrial conference, to dismiss the case, to welcome plea bargains, to move the parties toward an agreement, the judge reaches a decision, the failure of the plaintiff to prosecute the case adequately, a default judgement against the defendant for failure to file an answer, a summary judgement, preponderance of the evidence, the judge may grant a directed verdict, a judgement notwithstanding the verdict, voluntary compliance, garnishment, the employer withholds part of the losing party's wages and turns it over to the winning party.
COMMENTARY (рекомендуется для перевода с листа)
Public law cases are likely to go to federal courts. But the great majority of all civil cases are handled in state courts. Although the scope of public law has been defined in different ways, it clearly includes such matters as taxation, the regulation of business practices, public welfare benefits, and foreign policy, as well as criminal cases. Civil cases fall under the heading of private law because they generally involve disputes, between private parties in which government plays no direct role. Although the civil work of trial courts is diverse, four types of cases seem to be the most common: 1) contract cases, when one party to a contract claims that the other party has violated its terms; 2) personal injury cases, which in turn constitute the largest part of the field called tort law; 3) domestic relations cases involve marriage, divorce, and related matters; 4) estate cases concern the assets of people who have died. In these cases, the courts supervise the administration of wills and the distribution of the assets that are dealt with in them; they also handle the estates of people who have died without wills.
Q Переведите тенет (рекомендуется
для зрительно-устного н зрительно-письменного перевода}:
A Summary of Court Procedures
In a typical set of procedures for civil cases, the court action begins with the filing by the plaintiff of a complaint, tn which legal allegations are made against the
defendant. The next step is the notification of the defendant, which is called serving process. The defendant may then file an answer to the complaint. This answer offers defenses to the complaint, and it may also make counterclaims against the plaintiff - in effect, making the plaintiff a defendant as well. The complaint and the answer are called the pleadings.
A series of pretrial procedures, which are designed to prepare the case for trial, follows the pleadings. In discovery, the parties gather evidence from each other, primarily in three forms. The first is depositions, in which the lawyer for one side questions the other party and the witnesses for the other side. The second is interrogatories, in which one party presents questions to the other party for more extensive written responses. The third is the discovery of documents and other materials held by the other party. The judge does not supervise discovery directly but settles any disputes that may arise at this stage.
After discovery is completed, the judge may schedule a pretrial conference with the parties; in some courts, the conference is mandatory. During the conference, the judge seeks to clarify the issues in the case and ready it for trial. Afterwards, the judge makes up a pretrial order listing the evidence that the parties will present.
Like criminal cases, civil cases can drop out along the way to trial. In some categories, such as personal injuries, the overwhelming majority do drop out. The plaintiff can dismiss the case voluntarily, either because of a decision that it is not worth pursuing or because the parties have reached a settlement out of court. For the same reasons that they welcome plea-bargains in criminal cases, judges generally encourage such settlements; indeed, they often use the pretrial conference to move the parties toward an agreement.
Less often, the judge reaches a decision in the case before it comes to trial. The judge may dismiss the case because of the failure of the plaintiff to prosecute it adequately. Similarly, the judge may issue a default judgment against the defendant for failure to file an answer or to meet other procedural requirements. Either party may also ask for a judgment on the basis of the pleadings, which the judge can grant if the other party has failed to make sufficient allegations to support a case. And the judge can grant a summary judgment to one party on the ground that there are no genuine issues of fact and that the law compels a decision in favor of that party.
The trial itself looks similar to a criminal trial. As it proceeds, the plaintiff seeks to prove the defendant's liability and the appropriateness of the desired remedy. In response, the defendant may contest either or both issues; on the remedy, the question usually is the amount of money to be paid in damages if liability is found. The standard of proof for liability generally is a preponderance of the evidence, a standard that is easier to meet than the proof beyond a reasonable doubt required of criminal prosecutors.
During a jury trial, the judge may grant a directed verdict in favor of one party at the close of the other party's case, on the ground that the evidence allows only one outcome. If there was no directed verdict, the judge or jury decides the contested issues after the trial. In addition, where damages or restitution is to be provided, a determination is made as to the amount.
After a jury decision, the losing party can ask the judge for what is called a judgment notwithstanding the verdict, on the ground that there was insufficient basis for the jury's decision. The judge can also be asked to set aside the verdict and order a new trial on the basis of problems in either the trial or the verdict,
If the court's judgment requires one party to provide a remedy to the other, thai party may comply readily with the judgment. But if voluntary compliance does not occur, the winning party can seek enforcement of the judgment by the sheriff or other officials through a variety of methods, including garnishment (in which the employer withholds part of the losing party's wages and turns it over to the winning party) and the forced sale of the loser's property to pay the judgment,
Переведите вопросы и ответьте на них:
E1 1.
С чего начинается судебный иск при типичном наборе процедур граждан ского дела? 2.
What is going on after the filing of a complaint by the plaintiff? 3.
Какие ответные действия может предпринять ответчик и как они могут повлиять на истца? 4.
What is the purpose of a series of pretrial procedures? 5.
В каких формах осуществляется представление сведений обеими сторо нами? 6.
Who may schedule a pretrial conference? 7.
С какой целью проводятся досудебные совещания? 8.
In what way can civil cases drop out? 9.
По каким причинам судья может прекратить дело? 10.
What are the possible ways of judgement? 11.
Что общего в гражданском и уголовном судебном процессах? 12.
When may the judge grant a directed verdict? 13.
О чем может проигравшая сторона просить судью после решения жюри? 14.
In what way can the winning party seek enforcement of the judgement?
Совместите определения и термины ГЭ ц переведите их на русский язык:
\. A female prosecutor - 1. bailiff 2.
One who testifies to what he has seen, heard or othet- 2. exhibit wise observed - 3.
A pleading by which the defendant endeavors to resist 3. felony the plaintiffs allegations of facts - 10. prosecutrix 11.
information 12.
jury 4.
A proceeding where one party to an action may be in formed as to fact known by other parties of wit nesses - 5.
An accusation for some criminal offense in the nature of an indictment, but which is presented by a competent public officer instead of a grand jury - 6.
A mandatory or prohibitive writ issued by a court — 7.
A certain number of persons, selected according to law. and sworn to inquire of certain matters of fact, and de clare the truth upon evidence laid before them — 8.
A court attendant whose duties are to keep order in the courtroom and to have custody of the jury - 9.
A crime of a graver nature than a misdemeanour. Gen erally an offense punishable by death or imprisonment in a penitentiary — 10.
A person who transcribes by shorthand or steno- graphically takes down testimony during court pro ceeding — 11.
A suit, litigation or action — civil or criminal — 12.
A paper, document or other article produced and exliib ited to a court during a trial or hearing —
Ключ к упражнению для проверки правильности совмещения определений и терминов: 1/10, 2/8, 3/6, 4/5, 5/11, 6/9, 7/12, 8/1, 9/3, 10/4. 11/7, 12/2.
1j I Переведите на слух в быстром темпе:
Common law, обвинительный акт, the winning party, прекратить дело, discovery, уведомление ответчика, to post bond, выдать ордер на арест, to release from custody, судебное производство, arrest procedure, лишение права возражения (estoppel), depositions, Thursday, 1925, большое жюри, law of trust деликтное право, legal allegations, гражданские дела, public law, решение жюри.
Последовательный перевод с записями
Последовательный перевод, как правило, используется во время переговоров, встреч на конференциях, совещаниях и заседаниях, во время работы различных комиссий и миссий, там. где общение между людьми осуществляется на двух или нескольких языках. В отличие от абзацно-фразового перевода последовательный перевод осуще- ствляется после окончания речи, собеседника или прослушивания сообщения. Человеческая память не может удержать всё сообщение, особенно, если в нем присутствуют разные имена, названия и цифры, В таких случаях на помощь приходит последовательный перевод с записями,* Для перевода с записями используются различные символы: V — победа, свобода, независимость. >; <; =; +; -; ?; !, стрелки [движение) -> и і ; подчеркивание (усиление), сокращения и т. д. Q — сильное государство; .чнине — большое значение: 1 — важный вопрос; О —закон, устав: О — съезд, конференция, встреча, ЕЭ — почта; (0\ — правительство; Q — глава, председатель, Д — представитель, " +" — прирост; inf - сведения и т. д.
Переведите предложения на слух (перевод с записями}:
1. Секретарь судебного заседания докладывает суду, кто из вызванных по дан
ному делу лиц явился, вручены ли повестки неявившимся и какие имеются сведения о причинах их неявки. 2.
При участии в процессе переводчика, председательствующий разъясняет ему обязанности, предупреждает об уголовной ответственности за заведомо не правильный перевод. 3.
Явившиеся свидетели до начала их допроса удаляются из зала судебного заседания. 4.
Председательствующий принимает меры, чтобы допрошенные судом свиде тели не общались с неопрошенными свидетелями.
5 После удаления свидетелей председательствующий объявляет состав суда, сообщает, кто участвует в судебном разбирательстве в качестве прокурора, эксперта, переводчика, секретаря судебного заседания, а также представителя общественной организации или трудового коллектива. 6.
В целях объективного рассмотрения дела судьи, прокуроры, секретарь су дебного заседания, эксперт, переводчик и представители общественности обязаны заявить самоотвод или подлежат отводу по заявлению заинтересо ванного лица, участвующего в деле, если имеются какие-либо обстоятель ства, вызывающие сомнение в их беспристрастности. 7.
Основания для отвода судьи или народного заседателя, прокурора, эксперта, переводчика, секретаря судебного заседания, представителя общественной организации или трудового коллектива — прямая или косвенная заинтере сованность в исходе дела, родственные связи, служебная или иная зависи мость и т. п. — перечислены в статьях 18-21 ГПК. 8.
Председательствующий разъясняет лицам, участвующим в деле, и представи телям их процессуальные права и обязанности.
* Ск. Миныф-Белоручев Р. К. Последовательный перевод. Теория и цетоды обучения. — М.: Воен. Иэд, МО СССР, 1969.
125 Переведите письменно текст с русского языка на английский: